About the Centre
With climate change presenting the greatest global challenge of our time, the search is on for alternatives to fossil fuels. Bioenergy from wood, waste, agricultural residues and energy crops is a major global energy renewable source. However, there are challenges concerning technical performance, cost effectiveness, sustainable production, food security and biodiversity. Our EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Bioenergy, which has developed from our successful DTC in Low Carbon Technologies, addresses these challenges.
Piers Sellers Prize 2020
Congratulations to Oliver Grasham who was awarded a Piers Sellers prize for exceptional PhD research! Oliver researches novel ways to integrate carbon intensive waste processes with...
CDT Poster Event - 15th May 2019
Over 120 students, academic staff and industry partners attended the EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) Poster Event on the afternoon of Wednesday 15th May...
IEAGHG Summer School
During the last week of June, Bioenergy CDT student Hana Mandová attended the 12th IEA Greenhouse Gas Programme (IEAGHG) Summer School, hosted by the Norwegian CCS Research...